미국 대학에서 견문을 넓히고 폭넓은 경험을 위한 비지팅 스칼라 (방문교수,연수,인턴십)을 원하시면, 또는 안식년을 맞아서 해외에서 활동하고 자녀들을 위한 장단기 미국에서 체류를 원하시면 미국 현지 대학 교육 최고의 펌 칼리지 플래닝(College Planning Corp.)를 노크해 주세요
1) Term
미국 대학의 방문교수로 오는 Term은 적게는 하루에서 6개월 길게는 5년까지 리서치나 교수로 올 수 있다.
2) Position
Visiting Scholar, Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow
Specialized non-research, non-staff position
분야별로는 교수, 연구원 포스터 닥터, 대학원생 그외 의사나 변호사 등이 여기에 포함된다.
또 학교에서 비지팅 스칼라로 J-1 비자로 대학에 올경우는 Research(연구) Observe(참관), Consult, Teach( 강의) 등의 다양한 목적이 있다.
또 학부학생의 경우는 교환 학생이나 인턴십 프로그램등도 있다.
미국 대학 방문 교수및 교환교수
미국 대학에서 단기 및 중장기 교환교수 연구 교수를 원하시면
저희 칼리지 플래닝( College Planning Corp.)에 연락 주세요.
이메일: cpc@collegepco.com
전화: 미국 847-450-8001
카카오톡 아이디: CollegePlanning
Office of International Programs:
J-1 Professors and Research Scholars
A USA University is authorized to issue DS-2019 forms for the following Exchange Visitor categories:
§ J-1 Professor – A Professor is an individual who is primarily in the USA to teach. A professor may also conduct research. The minimum visit as a Professor is 3 weeks. The maximum stay is 5 years. After the completion of the program, the individual is not eligible for another J-1 Professor or Research Scholar Program for 2 years.
§ J-1 Research Scholar – Research Scholar is an individual who is primarily in the USA to conduct research. A Research Scholar may also teach. The minimum visit for a Research Scholar is 3 weeks. The maximum stay is 5 years. After the completion of the program, the individual is not eligible for another J-1 Research Scholar or Professor Program for 2 years.
§ J-1 Short-Term Scholar – A Short-Term Scholar is an individual who is in the USA to teach, research, observe, consult,
conduct training, or demonstrate special skills. The minimum stay for a Short-Term Scholar is 1 day, and the maximum stay is 6 months (there are no possibilities for an
» Category Definitions
Application Process
» Maintaining Status
Insurance Requirement
212 (e): Two-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement
J-1 Professors and Research Scholars
Individuals participating in the Exchange Visitor Program as a Professor or Research Scholar are subject to the following conditions:
There are 3 exceptions to this rule:
§ The participant is currently in a professor or research scholar program and is transferring to MSU to continue their current J-1 program;
§ The participant's prior physical presence in the U.S. on a J-visa program was less than six months in duration; and
§ The prior participation was as a short-term scholar.
3. 24-Month Bar. If the individual has completed a previous visit to the United States in the Exchange Visitor Program as a Professor or Research Scholar, they must wait 24 months before being eligible for their next Exchange Visitor Program as a Professor or Research Scholar.
Professors and Research Scholars are permitted to work as described in the SEVIS Form DS-2019. On-campus and/or off-campus
employment not related to the objectives of the Exchange Visitor’s program is not authorized. There are two exceptions:
General Information:
A professor or researcher can participate in the Exchange Visitor Program as a Short-Term Scholar. Why should one use the Short-Term Scholar category?
A Short-Term Scholar is permitted to participate in activities as listed on his or her SEVIS Form DS-2019. Short-Term Scholars may also engage in occasional lectures or consultations if prior written approval is obtained from the UND Office of International Programs.
자세한 문의는 칼리지 플래닝(847-450-8001, 카톡 ID: collegeplanning)
미국 명문대에서 연구와 강의 그리고 좋은 교수님들과 교분을 갖을 수
있는 절호의 기회 입니다.
포스트닥 이후에는 교수직이 훨씬 용이해집니다.
아울러 미국에서 포스트닥과 함께 자녀들에게도 교육기회를 가질수
있는 일석이조의 기회를 놓치지 마세요.
응모 마감: 12월1일
근무 기간: 2년
응모 자격: Ph.D. 박사 학위를 November 30, 2013 ~ August 31, 2019 사이 취득하셨거나 하실분
Required materials (제출할 서류) :
Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Research Statement, Research Proposal, Teaching Statement, Writing Sample, Graduate Transcript, Three Letters of Recommendation.
The CPC invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships in the study of global, comparative, or international affairs. Up to three Fellows will be selected this year. Applications are welcome from scholars whose research addresses global, international, or transnational social processes, problems, governance, or conflicts, from any of a range of social science or interdisciplinary perspectives.
Each Fellow will be affiliated with both the CPC and an appropriate department in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, such as Political Science, History, Sociology, Anthropology, etc. (see a full list of Weinberg College Departments).
Fellowships will run from September 1, 2016, to August 31, 2019.
Fellows will pursue a program of independent scholarship and teach one one-quarter undergraduate class during the academic year. Over the two years of the fellowship, fellows can expect to teach one seminar class and one lecture class. Fellows will also help organize and run CPC visiting speaker series and other events. They are expected to be active participants in intellectual activities in both the CPC and their affiliated disciplinary departments and to deliver one public lecture each year.
The salary is $55,000. In addition, Fellows are eligible for $5,000 per year to fund research and conference travel, and up to $2,000 in reimbursement for allowable relocation expenses in the first year. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position.
Applicants must have received their Ph.D. between November 30, 2015, and August 31, 2019.
Application deadline: December 1,
Application: CPC Postdoctoral Fellowships Application.
Required materials:
Cover Letter: Briefly situate your work in relation to your discipline(s) and identify the proposed departmental affiliation, and explain why CPC is a particularly good place to pursue your research.
Curriculum Vitae.
Research Statement: A two-page summary of your dissertation.
Research Proposal: A two-page research plan for the fellowship period. This may include but should extend beyond, revisions to the dissertation.
Teaching Statement: Titles and short descriptions of at least two undergraduate courses that you could teach under the auspices of your proposed departmental affiliation. (We are not requesting a statement of teaching philosophy or full syllabi.)
Writing Sample: Equivalent to a single journal article, book chapter, or dissertation chapter; it may be published or unpublished. Only one sample may be submitted. It must be in English. The maximum length is 50 pages.
Graduate Transcript. A transcript from your doctoral-degree-granting institution. An unofficial transcript is acceptable. If your doctoral program did not include formal graded classes, submit a statement to that effect instead.
Three Letters of Recommendation: The online application system will ask you to provide contact information for three recommenders. Once you submit your application, your references will automatically be emailed instructions for uploading a letter of recommendation. It is helpful if at least one letter comments specifically on your teaching experience and abilities. If you have not yet defended and submitted your dissertation, please advise your chair that their letter must specifically discuss what work remains to be completed and when you will complete all the requirements to receive your degree. Please convey these specific instructions to your referees, as the instructions they will receive by email are generic. Letters of recommendation are due no later than December 8
I am a foreign student. Will CPC provide a visa?
International scholars are eligible to apply for the postdoctoral fellowship. A J-1 exchange visitor visa may be offered for the successful candidate if needed, but the postdoctoral fellowship does not cover expenses for an eligible spouse or family members’ visas. In addition, approvals of visas may take quite a long time. In the event that a visa is not ready by the time the postdoc begins, the contractual start date will have to be delayed, resulting in a shortened postdoc term. For more information, see the CPC International Office J-1 Visa page.
Because my work is interdisciplinary, I could affiliate with multiple departments at Northwestern. Is it possible to state more than one department?
Please focus your answers on no more than two departments/programs.
I plan to do field research away from the Chicago area. Will that be a problem?
Postdocs are generally expected to be in residence and full participants in the scholarly community during the nine-month academic year (late September through mid-June), with the exception of the winter break and spring break. Short trips to conduct research, attend conferences, give talks, etc., are normal and are typically scheduled so as not to conflict with teaching or other important responsibilities.
If I am offered a postdoc, may I defer for a year or postpone the start date?
No postponements or deferrals are permitted.